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Learn about Christian History

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Explore the lives of some of Christianity's most important figures to learn more about Christian history. Read about Martin Luther, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and the Crusades. Learn how Christianity has changed the world. This article will show you how Christianity has changed over time. You will be amazed at the progress made by Christianity.


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Martin Luther

Martin Luther's position in Christian history can be complex. While many people view him as a hero of the Reformation, others disagree. Many have questioned his motives and intentions due to his controversial teachings. Modern scholars have sought to explain Luther’s ambiguous role throughout the history of Christianity.

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Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Born February 4, 1906 in Breslau, Germany, Dietrich Bonhoeffer was an important figure in modern German christian history. He was active in the Protestant ecumenical movements and studied at the University of Berlin. He was interested in racial inequality and met many people who were vital to the Confessing Church. He was also an important part of the German resistance in World War II.

The Crusades

Crusades were faith-based missions in which the Church fought for Christian values. These campaigns were initiated in 1095 by Pope Urban II, who called the First Crusade starting from a city in central France. He said that a pilgrimage would satisfy all penances. This appeal was at once contemporary and innovative, as Christians were already pushing back against Muslims in lands as far away as the Iberian peninsula, Sicily, and the eastern Mediterranean. At the same time, the Church was offering limited spiritual rewards to the participants.

The Protestant Reformation

The Protestant Reformation is a time period in Christian history that saw a dramatic change in church structures. The Reformation helped make the Bible more accessible to the people, freeing them from the demands of the Roman Catholic Church. Protestantism also abolished the notion that you could bribe God with money to be saved. It made it clear that Jesus Christ was the only way to save yourself and that his death would pay the penalty for all your sins.

The Crucifixion

The crucifixion in Christian history was a horrific act of violence. Jesus was mocked and scourged by Roman soldiers. The high council of the Temple wanted to kill Jesus, but they needed the sanction of Rome to execute him. Pontius Pilate the Roman Governor found Jesus guilty in treason, and sentenced Him to Death. Pilate suggested that Jesus should be put to death, but the crowd demanded his execution.

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The resurrection

The resurrection is a significant theme in Christian History. It's the center event of the four Gospels' Passion narratives and it is the heart of redemption. It reveals Christ as the risen, ascended Lord of all peoples. He rose from the dead to reign at the right hand of God and to come back in glory to redeem a broken world.


Learn about Christian History